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 Overseas Exchanges and Stays Abroad

The international network of schools that combine to form the Globeducate Group allows us to offer our students exchanges, summer courses and stays at prestigious schools abroad, which complement the trips already included in the mainstream curriculum. This type of international experience provides a unique and invaluable opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of another country and to meet students from all over the world.

Curricular Trips and Exchanges

Agora Madrid International School offers learning opportunities such as exchanges and international experiences to help our students improve their language skills and fluency. One of the many advantages of belonging to the Globeducate group.

Students can opt for either a short or longer term stay abroad. Boarding at a school overseas provides the ideal opportunity for students to fully immerse themselves in the country’s language and culture and to form lasting international friendships. Everything is perfectly organised and supervised by designated tutors who are trained to ensure that your child will have the experience of a lifetime.

Studying abroad is an extremely enriching experience; it is by far the single most effective way of achieving fluency in any given language, it makes other cultures and traditions more accessible, students make and maintain strong friendships and become more mature and independent. For many children it is the first time that they have stayed away from their families and we find that these experiences help them to view the world from a slightly different perspective.

The type of stay is dependent upon the age and maturity of the students. Students are initially invited to undertake short stays in a lovely, quiet coastal village in Wales. Students participate in new and exciting activities guided by experienced native instructors and also go on cultural outings to historic sites such as Conway Castle in Manchester. Students enjoy a well-organised, structured introduction to what it is like to be away from home and staying in another country. It is a wonderful experience, students feel safe and well cared for and at the end of the trip, everybody wants to go again!

As our pupils progress through the school they are given the opportunity to study abroad for a longer period of time at Stonar School in the South West of England. Stonar is a Globeducate school set in a 32-hectare private estate and was founded 120 years ago. Students from Agora Madrid International School can study there for one or two terms or for a full academic year and the experience is truly enriching.

Our international access programme also involves arranging exchanges with other schools in Paris and Frankfurt, depending on whether your child chooses to study French or German as their third language option. Students from France and Germany come to live with our students at their homes, attend classes at school and engage in a programme of cultural visits and activities organised by the school. Our students then pay a return visit to stay with the same student at their home in their country of residence. The experience is valuable and enriching another step on the path towards learning how to connect with the international community.

Support is provided in language and mathematics, which tend to be delivered in slightly different ways in different countries, which prevents any problems with reintegration upon returning to study in Spain. Our number one priority is the wellbeing, safety and happiness of our students; their welfare is constantly monitored and lines of communication always open.

Academic year in Stonar, England

Our boarding program at the prestigious English school Stonar, part of the Globeducate group, offers our students the experience of being part of this school for one term, two terms or a full academic year. The school, with 120 years of experience and a campus of more than 32 hectares, provides them with a privileged environment next to the city of Bath and 90 minutes from London, with small classes, all kinds of leisure activities and the possibility of following the British curriculum without ever losing contact with their local tutor.

In addition to its excellent academic program and complete facilities, Stonar offers students the opportunity to improve their knowledge in a context of linguistic immersion and in the company of students from all over the world, with whom they live 24 hours a day, sharing experiences and forging lifelong friendships.

The comfortable residences in which boarding students are housed are designed for their optimal academic development, avoiding unnecessary travel and any other distractions outside the campus. When it comes to enjoying their free time, students have common areas with wifi, television, DVD player and video game consoles.

And the best of Stonar happens outdoors: boarding students have at their disposal all the sports facilities of the centre, where they can practise tennis, horseback riding, swimming or soccer with their new friends. They have the opportunity to completely relax and socialise with classmates from all over the world in a context of fraternisation and solidarity: learning from the older ones and supporting the younger ones.


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