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Forging Diplomacy and Friendship at the Globeducate Model United Nations Event: The Success of Agora Madrid International School

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Forging Diplomacy and Friendship at the Globeducate Model United Nations Event: The Success of Agora Madrid International School

From the 19th to the 22nd of March 2024, Agora Madrid International School had the privilege of hosting the Globeducate MUN, an international event that brought together over 160 students from Globeducate schools worldwide. This gathering, based on the sessions of the United Nations, delved into the fascinating theme of Artificial Intelligence and its present and future perspectives.

Pablo S., a student from our school and an integral part of the organizing team, shared his excited outlook before the event. "I anticipated an enriching exchange of ideas and fruitful collaborations among delegates, and their goal was clear: to create an environment conducive to constructive debate and the search for creative solutions to global challenges."

For four days, students acted as diplomatic delegates, debating and negotiating on global issues. Through intense debates and skilled negotiations, they practiced the art of rhetoric and international diplomacy to reach consensus agreements addressing the challenges of the modern world.

Behind the scenes, the success of the Globeducate MUN was the result of the hard work and dedication of Agora Madrid International School, as well as the collaboration of approximately 100 families who were involved in organizing and logistics of the event. From teaching staff to volunteers, each person played a crucial role in making this unforgettable event a reality.

David Andrew G., one of our teachers and event organizer, also expressed his excitement for the magnitude of the event. "Madrid became a hub of intercultural exchange and reflection towards the future."

Now that the event has come to an end, we can look back with pride and gratitude for the transformative experience we shared. The Globeducate MUN has not only strengthened bonds among students worldwide but has also reaffirmed Agora Madrid International School's commitment to academic excellence and global responsibility.

Participants, both students, and teachers, return home with indelible memories and a renewed determination to continue working together in building a better and more sustainable world. Agora Madrid International School is proud to have hosted this exceptional event and looks forward to continuing to promote international cooperation and mutual understanding in the future.

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